The Essential Guide to Nursery Thermometers

The Essential Guide to Nursery Thermometers

Worried about keeping your little one cozy but not too hot? It's a common concern for new parents, let's explore why adding a nursery thermometer to your essentials list is a sleep-saving must-have.


Why is a nursery thermometer so important?

While Red Nose Australia does not recommend a specific room temperature for healthy babies, they do recommend dressing appropriately for the room temperature.

Newborns are incredibly sensitive to temperature fluctuations. Unlike us, they haven't yet developed the ability to regulate their body temperature effectively. A room that's too hot and a baby that's overdressed can lead to overheating, discomfort, and even increased risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Conversely, a chilly room can make your baby cry, struggle to sleep, and be more susceptible to illness.

That's where your trusty nursery thermometer comes in. It's your window into the world of your baby's comfort, and dressing them right for the room temperature.

      Choosing the right nursery thermometer

      With so many options available, picking the perfect nursery thermometer can be overwhelming. Here are some factors to consider:

      • Type: Digital thermometers are quick and easy to read
      • Accuracy: Look for a thermometer with high accuracy (at least ±0.5°C/F) to ensure you're getting reliable readings.
      • Features: Some thermometers offer extras like nightlights - choose features that align with your needs and preferences.
      • Ease of use: Opt for a thermometer with a clear display and simple controls, especially if you're sleep-deprived!

        Thermometer Placement

        This is an often overlooked but essential part of getting an accurate reading. Consider these tips on thermometer placement:

        • Height: Up near the ceiling is often 2-3 degrees warmer than at floor level, so keep that in mind when placing your thermometer. Ideally we want it at the same level as baby is sleeping.
        • Cot proximity: Placing too close to the cot could throw off the reading, being affected by heat radiating from baby. Aim for around 1m (3ft) away.
        • Wall: Don't push your thermometer right up against the wall, as walls often vary depending on insulation. Try to keep it 10-15 cm (4-6 in) off the wall if possible
        • No draft zone: Avoid areas with air conditioning vents or fans, as they can create temperature fluctuations
        •  No direct sunlight: Sunshine can heat up the thermometer, giving you an inaccurate reading. Choose a shaded spot out of direct sunlight.


        The Sleep Like Goldilocks nursery thermometer offers high accuracy (±0.2°C), a digital readout on screen, a built in night light and on-screen TOG rated sleepwear recommendations! It doesn't get any more convenient than that.



        Follow us for more tips and tricks around baby sleep time, and if you have any questions you can reach out to us directly by email, chat or socials.


        Remember, a happy baby means a happy you!

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